Wednesday 12 June 2013


So, u might think that getting enrolled in health campus in kelantan is your worst nightmare.. No good food, no entertainments (no cinemas esp), no night life (no clubbing)... but hold on, who says kelantan has no good food? There're loads of good food waiting for you to explore (Four seasons, chiang mai, 168, etc). Who says kelantan has no entertainment? There's a snooker centre and a bowling centre in KB mall. Who says kelantan has no night life? There're pubs around KB which opens until 12am, and if u don't like pubs, roadside stalls which open past midnight are good places to hang out with friends for some teh beng, etc, but please be reminded to always ask for less sugar beverage in kelantan. xD

In the next few posts, i will share about my experiences in usmkk, like how to cook nice dishes with just 1 rice cooker and 1 multipurpose kettle *proud face*, how to explore KB for good food, how to enjoy life in kelantan, etc. Hopefully these tips will be useful to all...^^

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